Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Fascinator

I found out what my little feather head-dress is called last night.

It's called a Fascinator.

it was only my Fascinator's first outing at a gig, and I must say i thought it did a very good job of fascinating. Although the pointy end of the feathers kept poking people in the eye, which was less endearing than the other end.

What a fascinating night it was all round at the Volupte Lounge. Gwendoline Lamour AND Roxy Velvet AND Crimson Skye in one night - a big chocolate box of burlesque treats. And then Dusty Limits bought after-hours champagne and I discovered what an enormous quantity of the stuff it is possible to drink without getting a hangover. Brilliant. I am only getting drunk on expensive champagne from now on.

After-hours secrets of the night? I couldn't possibly reveal what a roomful of burlesque queens, cabaret singers and supper club staff get up to after the punters have gone home. Suffice to say there were drumsticks, impromptu dance routines, and anecdotes involving fanning people's arses involved.

And right at the end, before I jumped into my taxi, there was one really really lovely shot glass full of something a bit coffyish which I couldn't identify but which i definitely want to drink again as soon as possible.

I don't know about anybody else, but I for one had a very fascinating night indeed.




Unknown said...

Impressed a lot really like your blog.
Thanks for the post

Unknown said...

Thanks. It’s fun to revisit my cabaret memories from ten years ago!